Here are the values that we work to foster together. You can also read more about my approach to mentorship here.


Our hope is that our lab acts as a community in which lab members feel supported in their learning, their wellbeing, and their professional development. The members of the lab provide feedback on each other’s writing, help each other navigate new challenges, and celebrate each other's successes. Together, our team maintains a lab manual that communicates shared values, expectations, and guidelines for doing research as a team.


We work together to support diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the lab, in the department, and in the broader community. This includes: advocating for students and trainees, tackling the hidden curriculum, calling out harmful practices, and working to change them.


To support others who seek to build on or learn from our research, we share data, stimuli, and analysis code on open repositories. To be transparent about our research decisions, we preregister our methods and analysis plans (e.g., on the Open Science Framework), and we identify which analyses are confirmatory vs. exploratory. To make science more accessible, we share our papers as preprints and on our website.


Join The Team 

If you're interested in joining as a grad student or a postdoc, you can find out more here.