Participate in Research
Our studies involve listening to stories, watching videos, or playing games. We send families a gift card to thank them for participating.
If you're interested in joining our general mailing list, please fill out this form.
We have ongoing online studies that takes place over Zoom video calls. All you need is a laptop or desktop computer.
do babies prefer TEACHers who know their name?
Age: 18 and 19 month olds
Time: About 15 minutes
Description: In this study, your baby will watch videos of three puppets. Each of the puppets will label a toy to your baby. We will learn about how infants learn new words.
How do children think about TEACHING AND perspective-TAKING?
Age: 3 and 4 year olds
Time: About 15 minutes
Description: In this study, your child will watch videos of animated shapes interacting with each other. We'll ask your child questions about what the characters can see and what they are doing.
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If you're interested in joining as a grad student or a postdoc, you can find out more here.